Friday, September 4, 2009

Ready or Not, Here We Come!

So Brahma (The company that I work for) made us an offer that we couldn't refuse! We found out Friday that we will be moving to New Orleans September 11th for three months with ALL expenses paid for! Now this all happened within three days, so it's a little overwhelming. We figured that we should do these things while we still can. The hardest part was knowing that we wouldn't be able to take Jeter & Bella with us. Stacey & Brooks will be watching them for us & I know they will be WELL taken care of. So basically we will pack up the company car and drive 10hr to Albuquerque New Mexico. Next we will drive another ten hrs to Dallas Texas, & from there eight hrs to New Orleans. I have been talking to some of the other employee's that are already down there, and they might have a house for us that is right on the water. I guess they have alligator's that come into their backyard and they set their own crab traps?? It's going to be a whole new world for us. We will be about twenty minutes from Bourbon Street. We are so Excited for everything that we are going to see & experience! I am lucky that I get to be with Ty and that we get to go on this amazing journey TOGETHER! I will try to keep up regularly and post lots of pictures. Happy Holiday's & I will be seeing you around the first of December ( Well I hope anyways ). With lots of Love, Ty & Bry

1 comment:

Adam and Brittany said...

WoW! What an awesome opportunity. I've always wanted to live outside of Utah for a while. They say moving away from home during the first part of marriage is great for your relationship because it forces you to rely on each other and not your outside family and friends. Good luck and have fun! Keep up on the blog while you're there so we can see how you are doing.