Friday, July 10, 2009

Rolling Frenzy!

My sweetie is such a good sport! I somehow talked him into taking the dogs rollerblading with me. I really don't understand how one person can be good at everything they do (TYLER)! Jeter kept going in front of Ty and he somehow managed to stay on his two feet the whole time. Okay now if that would have been me, I would have made such an ass of myself. Freak what am I talking about, the first time we went out I fell. We had such a good time taking them to the park that we try to take them at least a couple times a week. Here are some Pic's of my boys.


Unknown said...

OH! I see now! you've found a new partner so you don't need me anymore eh?!

Adam and Brittany said...

How Fun! I would be scared as hell to be on wheels behind jeter! Miss you guys!!!