Friday, August 15, 2008

All Because Two People Fell In Love!

Tyler is the love of my life, and my best friend. We met when we were just little kids, and who would have thought that one day our whole world would consist of each other. I can still remember the first time I met him. His Grandparents and my grandparents are very close friends, so for my grandparents 50th anniversary we all went down to Yuma to surprise them. When we first got there I just remember these two little boy's running all over the place....... And then I didn't see him again until seventh grade. His best friend was my boyfriend and my best friend was his girlfriend. Lets just say we didn't get along, OK we hated each other! I remember the first day of eighth grade walking into Math class and seeing him sitting there in his chair. So the teacher gives us our seating arrangement, and of course he was just a couple of seats behind me. He would sit there and throw stuff in my hair (secretly flirting with me)! Soon enough he got up the courage to "ASK ME OUT".
I still remember the first time that we held hands walking out of math class. It was cold outside and Ty had a BULLS coat on. He had his hands inside of his pockets and I think I said some stupid comment like "Man my hands are freezing" and then slipped my hand in their with his! We both got all stiff and I had butterflies in my tummy like crazy. I still get the fuzzy feeling every time he grabs my hand.

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